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New Diamond Eyebrow Concealer in Cream Yellow review and swatch

16ºC~24ºC ANXIOUS!
Hello girls!
As you know I have a lot of stuff to review! This week a lot of make up, comestics and clothes arrived, even that new Candy Doll powder, soon I'll let you know!
Today I'm going to talk about a new product from Diamond, Diamond Eyebrow Concealer in Cream Yellow.

The packaging is really cute!


I bought this concealer because I was going to dye my hair blonde. I went to a salon I really used to trust for years, the hairdresser did everything I wanted wrong plus damaged seriously my hair so he cut a very amount of hair without even TELLING me anything about this. Even now, already one month gone, if I think about this I get angry and sad and I just wanna cry and pound this fucking guy. I don't wanna go to any salon anymore in life, the shit he did in my hair in minutes is going to take years to regenerate. Until there I'll cut my hair myself and after this I'll try to find a nice super expensive salon just for having A VERY LITTLE hair cut, and I'll be very annoying with the person who cuts my hair. Now I'm trying dyeing products, until I find one that I don't have any allergy and works nice in my hair, so I'll try dyeing some part of my hair. If everything goes alright I'll dye my full hair blonde. So yes it may take time yet...

I don't have any make up picture wearing this concealer yet, so just took a pic for this review. I'm wearing no make up, just the Diamond Eyebrow Concealer

Without eyebrow concealer / With eyebrow concealer
As you see, a big difference.

The pigmentation is really nice, so it really covers up.
One bad point in this eyebrow concealer is: hard to apply.
If you don't apply very fast it'll get dry and hard and start a big mess, because what is dry start to fall down or glue in the fresh concealer, if it happens no way but clean everything and start again.... Same time, you can't apply fast because of the applicator.

The applicator

This applicator don't reach the hair from the roots or the hair behinde the front hair and if you force, some may get into your skin. If it happens you have to clean and start everything again. What almost works is using this applicator as mascara applicator (trembling applicator respecting way of hair growth). I think it should work better if the concealer color isn't a big difference from your eyebrow color.

Sometimes you may touch your eyebrows during day. If you do that the hard concealer may fall so your eyebrow will be very strange because of multiple colors. If you wanna avoid this you should try this product:

This should make whole eyebrow make up stay.

I'll probably buy this when I finally dye my hair.

Diamond eyebrow concealer in Cream Beige review:
Pigmentation 5/5: Really covers dark eyebrows.
Texture 2/5: Before drying it's ok. After drying is just super mess.
Applicator 2/5: Doesn't help covering roots or hair behinde front hair.
Application 0/5: Couldn't be harder. If you don't apply fast or force you may re-do the eyebrow.
Duration 1/5: I wore just once full day, everytime I touch my eyebrows some part or concealer is lost, thanksgod my bands were hiding my eyebrows. If you don't touch it tend to last.

Would I buy this product again? First, I'd try to find one with a nice applicator. If I don't find, I'll try others products like Palty or Canmake, maybe they don't dry so fast. If these are bad, I'd buy again hahaha

I bought in Pinkyparadise and it arrived very fast. Brazil loves taxing foreign stuff, but I was never taxed when the package is from Pinkyparadise.

That's all for now! Thank you so much for reading.
I'm preparing a post for what to wear at xmas/new years eve, don't miss it!