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Mary's Give's Birth & Engaged!!

This morning, Writemarycat gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Aleksandr Hilton Semenchenko, he came in at exactly 8lbs. Madworld and N1mka4eva were in the delivery room when it all happened.

We got the exclusive details from the new father himself! Chad told us "in the beginning Mary was having a hard time when it came to push, but she got through it and once Aleksandr came into the world Mary began crying tears of joy. Right there I did the unthinkable and purpose to Mary!! I didn't planned at all, I said blurted out the words--will you marry me?" He then told us,"I had an epiphany and realized that the whole open-relationship thing was just stupid and not fair to anyone. I have a family now and I'm gonna be the best father and husband I can be. I love Mary and Aleksandr."

Aleksandr is one cute baby, a couple of friends and family went to see the little dude this afternoon. He looks a lot like his mommy!! Maybe in a couple of days, I'll post a picture of him for you all to see.

Happy birthday Aleksander!!
Congratulations Mary & Chad!!