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Break in at Starplaza!!

Early Friday morning, a thief broke into different shops at the Starplaza mall stealing at least $5o,o00sd worth of goods. The thief managed to get away before the security guards raised the alarm. The mall owner scolded the security for a lack of interest in the mall's safety, and the staff for not emptying the cash registers overnight-police have "not ruled out the mall staff as suspects" due to the "easiness of the robbery", but are also suspecting the Stardoll elites.

In a statement, they said:
"We can confirm that the Starplaza mall had a break-in today [Friday] at approximately 5am. The thief managed to claim many diamond accessories from Epiphany, new items which have not yet been released from the Limited Edition store and some make-up, including the soon-to-be released collection, from Luxe. We also believe he/she managed to claim a couple of thousand of Stardollars in total from the cash registers, before managing to get away at around 6:30am, according to our CCTV footage. Should anyone be offered any items from any of the stores for cheap prices, contact us immediately. We have not ruled out the mall staff as suspects due to the easiness of the robbery. We feel that it maybe one of the well-known people on Stardoll who are strapped on cash, as they may wish to start up their business again, and get to the position they were at before."