"After reading the first script, I knew this was the show that I wanted to be involved in. It's so risque and different, very original. I couldn't wait to play this character. I must admit, I was pretty nervous working with Tyler, especially when it came to the sex scenes, but he was very sweet about it and tried his best to make me feel has comfortable as possible."
"When I was offered the role, I was pretty hesitate, because it's such an edgy role and at the time my wife was pregnant and I didn't know if it would be appropriate for me to take on such a raunchy role, but my wife insisted that I do it and I couldn't be happier to have taken on the role seeing how good the show has turned out so far. As for Ashely, she's amazing, she's very easy to work with. She take's her job serious, yet she isn't letting her new found fame go to her head."
Make sure to catch this week's new episode on August 18th on Elite Network!