Last night was the premiere of the Meet The Fockers sequel movie, it was a star studded night full of a fun atmosphere and designer labels adorned head to toe by the attenders!

Lead star
Alphonsinne looked great, this part was originally
Nicole-0's but after the controversy around her after her (still) unbelievable stunt. The producers and directors said '
Nicole maybe had that look but Alphonsinne was a GREAT person to work with and we have great expectations for this girl!'
Despite rumors that there was drama between
Bluegreen86, Bailey1212 against Alphonsinne, even their co-actor Jake Strands tweeted a few weeks ago in the last days of shooting- '
It's getting ******* stupid now, it's like they are school girls, unprofessional and annoying I cannot believe that they have not been fired yet.' this wasn't the only time he expressed his view on this he mentioned something similar in a promotional interview. The trio denied anything like that happened on the to the reporters on the red carpet, thought it was rumored that even at one point the arguments got physical!

Springate was spotted arm-in-arm with EliteMale at the premier, it was all over the internet that the couple were together but no-one took any notice since both of them had polar opposite personalities and lifestyles it was impossible to even think they'd be together, but Tim and Agnesse made their first public appearance together as a couple, and they were most definitely flaunting it! They couldn't keep their hands of each other during the movie, others watching said it didn't even seem as though they were the least bit interested in the movie, young love eh?
When will this one bite the dust? Will it be T ♥ A 4eva?